The New Bedford Educators Association wishes Superintendent Durkin well in her future endeavors. The NBEA will continue to work with her on the many important issues facing our public schools. New Bedford public school educators look forward to participating in the search for a new superintendent and welcoming that person into our community.

5 thoughts on “NBEA statement regarding Dr. Pia Durkin’s resignation

  1. Well well, an early Christmas present for the district. If she was gone a few years ago, I'd still be there. She was a bad fit right from the start. Everyone knew it except the people who hired her. Defalco is not the choice to move on, as I have said.


  2. Finally! Someone grew a pair! WE preach to our children about bullying and yet at the top she was the worst bully! She treated the teachers and parents like they didn't matter. The teachers had a smile on their face when they heard she was finally leaving! Maybe now we can rise to the top again! KARMA!


  3. What will happen to all of her minions now! Defalco is not the person to take over her position! Please we don't need more of the same bullying tactics!


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